Tuesday 2 November 2010

about blogspot web site

Blogger is very fantastig web side . It help us to learn fast. However in my essay I will write advantage and disadantage about blogger  web site.

The most an important adavntage is that it make us to learn English fast and in right way. Secoand  advantage it helps us to make more friends in the world. Ather advantage is that, it helpd us to write and type word in the right way.
On onther hand there are disadvantages to use blogspot web site. first disadavantage is that you should be free and check your blog every day.secand disadantage of blog web site is that when you sit more time to use computer it effect your eyes and you wost your time.

In concultion,In my opiniuen using blog web site is helpful,but it must to controll your self when you use computer.