Thursday 19 May 2011


I am happy today because i bought new lubtop now I can use internet any time  anywhere
i hope every my friend have lubtop

Wednesday 2 February 2011

my new class

I was woried about my resalt when I did last exam because the exam was deffcult but when I saw the result thankfull god to pass the exam my marks was not okey but in next class i will do my best to get good marks

Tuesday 2 November 2010

about blogspot web site

Blogger is very fantastig web side . It help us to learn fast. However in my essay I will write advantage and disadantage about blogger  web site.

The most an important adavntage is that it make us to learn English fast and in right way. Secoand  advantage it helps us to make more friends in the world. Ather advantage is that, it helpd us to write and type word in the right way.
On onther hand there are disadvantages to use blogspot web site. first disadavantage is that you should be free and check your blog every day.secand disadantage of blog web site is that when you sit more time to use computer it effect your eyes and you wost your time.

In concultion,In my opiniuen using blog web site is helpful,but it must to controll your self when you use computer.    

Tuesday 26 October 2010

your advice

life is difficult sometimes it make you happy sometimes not. when i joint in CBFS college I was happy in that day but Sometimes I fell I did wrong things in my life , because I am a banker from early morning I wake up At 5.30am and I go to work at 6.30am til 3.30 after that I go to collage I should be their at 4.00 o'clock until 8.30 pm I finish my college. i know it is very busy day but I want to complete my study . however Know I am felling my life is very boring .what must I do?

Tuesday 19 October 2010

how to make omani coffee

some countries have specially coffee.and also coffee is fumes drink. most of people like it, In Oman a lot of people like to drink in early morning and it is strong.I prefer to drink in morning and sometimes after sweets. If you want to make Omani traditional coffee you must to follow these procedure.

first you boil water in pot , in thees step it depend for how many people to make for them. than poor in the wait until water became hot, than add some powder of coffee you should add coffee for how many people. after that you can add some saffran and cordimon. finally you can serve into small cups.

In conclusion, I prefer to drink in early morning, because it very Strong and it make me wake up .and also  I like to drink coffee with hlwaa and dates.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

shortge in the bank

yesterday I got shortage cash in the my duty. I as you know I working int a bank as cashier
it is nice job but sometime you get shortage amount in the end of day,however I got shortage about 10 R.o. It was shook to me and I tried many time to find it by checking report and hand cash but I didn't find it.after that I paid from my Becket and I told my Boss about this case and he surprise about me. he told me how you did you are good worker.however today when I came to work , I went to check my report aging suddenly I found my mistake and end of that I retain my  10R.o  Thank you I hope Every body have nice day.

Sunday 3 October 2010

diffcult day

hi to all

today is difficult day for me because it was first day for my son in nursery center. after my wife  decide to me about this case in the began I rejected because i thought in negative side , but my wife supportt this idea. however form early morning I wake up and I was thinking  about my son.
when I kept my son their and we left I asked my wife did he sea you? she said No.
after we rich work. my wife call me and told me our son is Happy's and plays with kids, I jummped from the chair and I thanked god for this news.